
Round 106 signups are open!
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  • Round 106 Signups Open: Friday 15th March 2024
  • Round 106 Ticks Start: Friday 22nd March 2024

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  • 1 Jan:

Round 30 Signups

Firstly, we'd like to apologise for the delay in the signups. The current status of Round 30 is as follows:
- Stats and Governments will be confirmed on Monday
- Quests will be enabled tomorrow (Saturday) evening
- Ticks will start at 20:00 GMT on Friday, 23rd of January, and will finish at 20:00 GMT on Friday, 3rd April
- Buddy packs at 5 (as previously announced)
- Alliance limits at 100, with the counted limit at 60
Some changes we'd like to announce:
- We have a new battle calculator integrated with the game.
- An in-game intel system has been added for alliances
- The quest system has been recoded and, in addition to quests similar to the previous quests, another 3 categories of quests have been added.

Signup Here.

We also have some sad news. Unfortunately, over Christmas OMAC decided that this would be the last round of Planetarion for the moment to focus their resources elsewhere. We've sought clarification on the situation, and it can be summarised as follows:
- OMAC wish to retain the name and intellectual property of Planetarion, but are unwilling to host the game.
- They're allowing us, the PA Team, to keep the code if we wish to continue hosting it elsewhere under another name.
- OMAC are unwilling to refund all credits, but are willing to look at sensible suggestions for a compromise for credits purchased since June.
- An offer was made and negotiated but fell through due to the substantial amount requested for the Planetarion name.
We are sorry that this has occurred, and are willing to work with the community to a certain extent to look for possible solutions. This has been behind the extended round length and the delays.

We will have a Creators Hour in #Planetarion in irc.netgamers.org at 20:00 GMT on Wednesday, 21st January to take your questions.

We hope you will enjoy this round, Round 30 - Addiction, of Planetarion.